Your photos

If you have built something special with your Kingsway kits, then feel free to submit some photos to
It will not be possible to show everything but if you have a couple of photos that might inspire others, it would be great to see them!
IMPORTANT - look carefully at the examples below.
Many have had extra items added and/or have been specially modified.
Mornington Crescent built from the LG kit by Peter Månsson from Sweden.

St Judes church (SJC kit) built by David Fisher.
Whilst it is possible to provide sufficient light to illuminate through the thin card windows, David has replaced these with custom printed plasiic ones.
It's important to ensure that no light 'leaks' through any poor joins or areas of thin card walls.

This stunning model has been built by Maurice Still using the ASM Ambulance Station kit with the GGX extension.
The extra detail added, both inside and out really brings this model to life.
It really is a model where one wishes to be reduced in size and be able to explore!

Two photos of a diorama built by Graham McQueen that uses a number of Kingsway Models buildings. The layout has much added detail and includes many interesting road vehicles.

A lovely pair of photos showing a busy street junction in the 1950s. This diorama has been built by David Vaughan. There is a load of excellent detail and superb models of lorries from the period. The buildings quite rightly simply fade into the background in this realistic scene from the past.

Andy McLelland has produced some fine bus garages. The SJ Swanley model above has been extended to the rear with a side entrance added. A host of appropriately blinded vehicles are on display (must be a Sunday afternoon?).
He is a master of the very tricky task of adding backscenes. Look at the road going off into the distance.

The WD Wandsworth model above has been given interior detail using interior backscenes available from the Free Downloads page. The model is supplemented with the adjacent office building seen to the left. This has been researched and built entirely by Andy.

More recently Andy has looked to Scotland , and has built the SMW Musselburgh model. This is still a work in progress but is looking good.
Note the use of garage backscenes to give depth to the scene.
Find these on the Freedownloads page
Andy has a penchant for long views in his dioramas. This is never easy to do, but take a look at the excellent result below.

These days we are deluged with coloured images from all directions.
Strangely, black and white photos can be extremely powerful. They make one think in an historical context, amd perhaps. look more real!
At least, that's my excuse , as I actually mistook these two shots from Andy as being 'real' when I first saw them !​​​​​​​​

In my bus spotting days in the seventies, film and processing was expensive. Each shot was carefully accounted for, unlike today when images can be taken by the hundred. These might have been the pictures that I wished I had taken 'back in the day'.