Tramway items

Many of the buildings in the Kingsway range will be suitable for a street tramway layout. Whilst there are also a couple of London tram depot frontages available, it may be useful to look through the LT bus garage category as many had a tramway history. Poplar, Wood Green and Edmonton are some that might be considered.
The advertisment sheets listed below are relevant for London Trams of the LCC and LT periods. The adverts have been researched from prototype photographs with additional reference to brand colours of the day - they are as accurate as I can make them!

Last days of London tramways in the early 1950s.
APH public house, CHS Underground Station, CDS Classic Department Store from the Kingsway Models range of buildings.
For an explanation of what is involved in construction of the kits, please click HERE
This is 'Kennington tram depot' on my own London tram layout. It is based on the Kingsway Models Wandsworth WD kit, with some major additions in the form of extra brick and window parts which roughly follow the style and arrangement that applied during tram days. The track arrangement on my layout is rather different from the prototype Wandsworth depot, but the general style is similar.
The standard WD kit comes with bus garage lettering over the entrance.
If required, I can provide kits with plain brick (instead of signage) over the entrance. Use the CONTACT page for similar requests.

Another view of the depot with a couple of E1s displaying the very common and long lived Bisto side advertisment. The LT tram advert sheet provides side adverts as well as various smaller ones. The sheet has sufficient adverts for ten cars.
A similar advert sheet provides a wide choice of posters for LCC trams before 1930.
The ADV advert posters were a typical sight during the tramway era. This display is on the end wall of a TERBF Large Georgian terraced house. Find the ADV posters by clicking the button.
This was a 'round the room' shelf layout that I built some years ago. Two of my E1s are seen at Trinity Square.
The London Tramways poster is in the style of the LCC / LT poster series, and shows another part of the layout.

Another view of Kennington Cross, showing typical tram era features. The APH Angel pub has been modified to house a cafe and a radio shop.
The curved art deco CMM Majestic cinema once stood in Tooting.
The UCC Feltham tram carries 'demiside' adverts which are included on the LT trams sheet.
The faux LCC / LT tramway poster shows the CWLO Odeon cinema on the shelf layout.
Further tram models may be flound through the LINKS page.

A faux period postcard showing 'Trinty Square'.
The Kingsway Models, Georgian Terraced Houses TERBF kit can be seen behind the tramcar with posters from the ADV kit afixed to the end wall.
London Model Tramways
in 1/76 scale by John Howe.
A short video showing photos of my first two London Tramway layouts based on Kingsway Subway , and Dog Kennel Hill.
These layouts were exhibited from 2004-2010 , and eventually led me to create the Kingsway Models range of card building kits.
Authentic E1 tram music amongst Kingsway buildings

Click the picture above for more views of the construction of a 1/76 scale London Tramway layout that uses Kingsway buildings.

Many of the buildings in the range have been designed to suit mid-twentieth century London.
The Woolworths store, Black Cat pub, and St Jude's church , seen left, would be suitable for many town scenes in the UK.
A typical postwar London HIgh Street is seen below,
Along with the classic London Underground station building is seen a department store and the Majestic cinema similar to one that stood in Mitcham.

The Kingsway range of building kits came about as a result of two London tramway layouts that I built and exhibited in the early 2000s. These were based on real locations - Kingsway Subway , and Dog Kennel Hill. By that time the last London tram had run fifty years ago, and I noticed that for many viewers, the buildings were more interesting than the trams - many were unaware that trams ever ran in London.
As a result, I began to design a range of London bus garage models, and in time progressed to Underground stations, and then all kinds of other buildings.
Kingsway Subway
Click the picture to see a photofile of this 1/76 scale tram layout.
Dog Kennel Hill
Click the picture to see a photofile of this 1/76 scale tram layout.