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This kit provides a length of tube station platform and tunnel of sufficient length to display a four car train of EFE tube stock. The platform is decorated in the style of stations on the Morden extension of the Northern Line, such as Balham, South Wimbledon etc. 

The model length is approximately 38". The station signs included are for the fictional Churchill Street station. The kit has now been revised so that the advertisements are supplied on a separate sheet to be cut out and glued to the wall if desired.

The kit includes card 'rings' onto which the curved station walls are assembled. Ideally the model would be incorporated into a sectional tube station diorama.

The kit comes with the station name CHURCHILL STREET. Note that the KUS Kingsway Underground station kit  building includes this as one of the names for the building.

See the TSA kit for a similar tube station with alternative tiling.

TSN Underground station tube tunnel 1/76


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    create in card

    with Kingsway

    IMPORTANT : The card building kits sold on this website are not precut. If you have not already done so, please click the button below to learn what skills are required to construct the models.

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