London bus
Kingsway Models began with a kit for Kingston bus station, and grew with addition of many of the central and country bus garages. In due course bus shelters, tram depots, and self adhesive advert posters were added.
Bus garages are usually pretty huge, especially those in London. Consequently the majority of models represent only a relatively small part - usually the main entrance. Check out the various Garage Extension buildings that can be helpful in extending the models.
This section lists all of the items applicable to LT buses in 1/76, and also some items in 1/24, 1/43 and 1/12 scales.
Immediately below are some photos of a few LT garages from the range.
To see a photo album of photos showing the build of Hackney garage, click HERE.
ST Staines country bus garage. To see an album of photos showing the construction, click HERE.
With the careful addition of suitable vehicles and other items, it is possible to 'take' some of those photos that you missed years ago!

Windsor bus station - 1973
Hornchurch Garage - 1969
PITS - bus garage inspection pits.
For an explanation of what is involved in construction of the kits, please click HERE
See how Kingsway Models buildings can be used in dioramas on the DIORAMAS page.